Friday, September 7, 2007

Look! Mr. Hendrix Thinks I'm Nice!

Wow! Hey Mama, Mr. Hendrix thinks I'm NICE! Mr. Hendrix nominated ME for this award because he thinks I perform such a good service to everykitty with my advice column. No more saying to me , "Hey Peach, you're such a Jerk!! I think they made a movie about you." Nope. Not anymore Mama. I'm certified NICE.

Look how pretty it is! I know, sometimes I like girly things. Haven't you seen me dress up? Pink is really not my "color" (it clashes with orange. too bad) but I still love this award.

I want to nominate my sisters for this award because actually they are the nice cats around here. But since we share a blog, it's already posted. Simone is just the nicest with the kiddies as you've seen. Besides, Scout would like to wear her Tuxedo to the award ceremony.

Now for other cat bloggers:

I nominate my buddy Jimmy Joe because, as Mama says, he is the "Great Melon of World Peace" and brings harmony to everyone's lives. Really, he just likes the tummy rubs. But every kitty he meets likes him, so that really says somethings. He's not the hissy type, if you know what I mean.

Also Eric and Flynn because they are trying so hard to be nice to each other these days and have finally succeeded! That deserves a Nice Award!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dude, yoor NICE! "great melon of world peace" dat's funny...

Samantha & Mom said...

ConCatulations Peach! You are nice!
Purrrs and nose kisses,

Jimmy Joe said...

Hey Peach, thanks for the nice shout-out! We think that you are, er, nice in a special sort of way. Simone is very nice with kids, even though she wasn't very nice to me. Coco likes her a lot, though. (you know what, though? Coco just kind of rolled her eyes and snorted when I told her that you got a nice award. Sheesh).
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. can you go outside now?

Daisy said...

Hooray for you Peach! You are nice, and I like your advice column, too.

Mr. Hendrix said...

that is nice of you to share with your sisters! see, i knew you were nice. i think jimmy joe and eric & flynn are great choices too.

Mr. Hendrix said...

PS we have that movie on DVD. we just love laffin and laffin at it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your award!
It's good that some cats think that you are nice. I got the same award from my sweetheart Gretchen. Of course she thinks that I am nice. *big cat smile*

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concatyoolayshuns on gitting yer Nice award, yoo deserve it. Fanks furr nommynating us furr it too.
Eric has to go back to the V E T tomorrow furr anuvver check up, so now I haf to try speshully hard to be nice to him.

Parker said...

Hey Peach Man - concatulations!!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Congratulations for the award~!!